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AFQT scores are reported as percentiles between 1-99. An AFQT percentile score indicates the percentage of examinees in a reference group that scored at or below that particular score. For current AFQT scores, the reference group is a sample of 18 to 23 year old youth who took the ASVAB as part of a national norming study conducted in 1997. Really that Composite Score Worksheet Usmc is the most engage worksheet for sampling doc templates. We make an effort to present composite score worksheet usmc as Layouts can be utilized as examples to suit your needs. Score Calculator KillFoot »» Marine Corps Cutting Scores - Select - Prior Service Programs Contact Us Composite Score Calculator Guides Marine Corps PSR Contacts Ask a Recruiter Marine Corps Cutting Scores Reserve Sergeant Cutting Scores Reserve Corporal Cutting Scores Active Duty Sergeant Cutting Scores Active Duty Corporal Cutting Scores.

If you are planning on taking, or have recently taken, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) with an eye toward joining the Air Force, here’s what you need to know:

The Air Force has specific requirements regarding the score you receive on the ASVAB. We’ll take a look at those requirements in just a moment, but first let’s look at how the Air Force uses the ASVAB.

The Air Force basically has two uses for the test:

1. To determine your eligibility to join the Air Force
2. To determine what jobs you are qualified to perform

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Also, your performance on the ASVAB may make you eligible for various bonus enlistment incentives – which means doing your best on this test is important.

If you haven’t taken the ASVAB yet it is a series of timed aptitude tests that are used to classify selected candidates into appropriate job roles as well as ultimately decide the eligibility of candidates for US military service. The test covers the following areas: General Science; Arithmetic Reasoning; Word Knowledge; Paragraph Comprehension; Mathematics Knowledge; Electronics Information; Auto & Shop Information; Mechanical Comprehension; and Assembling Objects.

ASVAB Results

After taking the ASVAB, you will receive a report detailing your scores.

The scores listed in the report are all percentages between 1 and 99 percent. These ASVAB scores do not refer to the percentage of questions you answered correctly. Instead, your scores indicate how you did compared to others who took the test. So please keep that in mind as you look at your results.

Among the scores listed in the report will be your Armed Forces Qualification Test score. This score, which is compiled from your scores in the Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge areas of the ASVAB will determine if you are eligible for service in the Air Force.


The Air Force requires a minimum AFQT score of 36. However, some exceptions are made for a small number of high school graduates who can score as low as 31. Most of those accepted into the Air Force score a 50 or above.

ASVAB and Air Force Jobs

As for its second use of the ASVAB, the Air Force creates four composite score areas from the individual ASVAB subtests and uses those as the qualifications for various jobs. Jobs in the Air Force are referred to as “AFSC’s” (Air Force Specialty Code). To determine what jobs you qualify for, the Air Force breaks down your ASVAB subtest scores into groups known as “qualification areas.” The ASVAB subtests are: General Science (GS); Arithmetic Reasoning (AR); Word Knowledge (WK); Paragraph Comprehension (PC); Auto and Shop Information (AS); Mathematics Knowledge (MK); Mechanical Comprehension (MC); Electronics Information (EI); and Sum of Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension (VE).

The four composite areas, which the Air Force refers to as MAGE, are:


Mechanical Aptitude Score – General Science (GS), Mechanical Comprehension (MC), and Auto/Shop (AS).
Administrative Aptitude Score – Verbal Expression (VE).
General Aptitude Score – Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) and Verbal Expression (VE).
Electronics Aptitude Score – General Science (GS), Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), and Electronics Information (EI).

According to statistics, approximately 40 percent of Air Force recruits enlist with a guaranteed job. The other 60 percent of recruits enlist in one of the four aptitude areas described above and then are assigned a job within that area.

If you did not score well in the aptitude area that you wanted, you may be able to retake the ASVAB. The Air Force allows recruits to retake the ASVAB to improve their enlistment options. To qualify for the retest, you will need to be interviewed by telephone or in person by a recruiting flight chief who will then approve or disapprove the retake.

The four qualification areas are:

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Qualification AreaASVAB Subtests
G – GeneralVerbal Expression (WK plus PC) and Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)
M – MechanicalMechanical Comprehension (MC), General Science (GS) and 2 times Auto & Shop Information (AS)
A – AdministrativeNumerical Operations * (NO), Coding Speed * (CS), and Verbal Expression (WK plus PC)
E – ElectricalArithmetic Reasoning (AR), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), Electronics Information (EI), and General Science (GS)
General AFSC’s
AFSCAIR FORCE JOB TITLEQualification Area Minimum Scores
1A031In-Flight RefuelingG55
1A231Aircraft LoadmasterG57
1A431Airborne Operations ApprenticeG55
1A831Airborne Cryptologic LinguistG72
1C131Air Traffic ControlG55 & M55
1C231*Combat ControlG44
1C331Command PostG49
1C531Aerospace Control & Warning SystemsG55
1C731Airfield ManagementG50 & M40
1N031Intelligence ApplicationsG57
1N131Imagery InterpreterG66
1N231Signals Intelligence ProductionG53
1N330Cryptologic LinguistG72
1N431Signal Intelligence AnalysisG62
1N531Electronic Signals IntelG72
1N631Electronic System SecurityG62
1T031*Survival Evasion, Resist & EscapeG55
1U031Unmanned Aerospace Sys Sensor OperatorG64 or E54
1W031WeatherG66 & E50
1W032*Special Operations Weather ApprenticeG66 & E50
2R031Maintenance Data Systems AnalysisG55
2R131Maintenance SchedulingG44
2S031Material ManagementG44 or A41
2W031Munitions SystemM55 or G55
3D032Cyber Systems OperationsG64
3D033Cyber SecurityG64
3E433Pest ManagementG38
3E631Operations ManagementG44
3E731Fire ProtectionG38
3E831Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD)G64 & M60
3N031Public AffairsG72
3N032**Radio & Television BroadcastingG72
3N033Graphic Arts ApprenticeG44
3N034Still PhotoG44
3N131**Regional BandG24 or A21
3N231**Premier BandG24 or A21
3P031Security ForcesG33
4A031Health Services ManagementG44
4A131Medical MaterielG44
4B031Bioenvironmental EngineeringG49
4C031Mental Health ServiceG55
4D031Diet TherapyG44
4E031Public HealthG44
4J032Physical Medicine ApprenticeG49
4M031Aerospace PhysiologyG44
4N031Medical ServicesG44
4N131Surgical ServicesG44
4R031Diagnostic ImagingG44
4T031Medical LaboratoryG62
4Y031Dental AssistantG44
4Y032Dental LabG66
6F031Financial ManagementG57
9TG43General Aptitude AreaG44
9TG58General Aptitude AreaG62
9TG64General Aptitude AreaG66
9TG69General Aptitude AreaG72
9TG70General Aptitude AreaG72

* These jobs require a Physical Assessment Stamina Test and are open to Males Only
** These jobs require an audition

Mechanical AFSC’s
AFSCAIR FORCE JOB TITLEQualification Area Minimum Scores
1A731Aerial GunnerM60 or E45
1P031Aircrew Flight EquipmentM40
2A333Tactical Aircraft MaintenanceM47
2A531Aerospace MaintenanceM47
2A532Helicopter MaintenanceM56
2A631Aerospace Propulsion TurbopropM56
2A632Aerospace Ground EquipmentM47 & E28
2A633Aircrew Egress SystemsM56
2A634Aircraft Fuel SystemsM47
2A635Aircraft Hydraulic SystemsM56
2A731Aircraft Metals TechnologyM47
2A733Aircraft Structural MaintenanceM47
2A735Low Observable Aircraft MaintenanceM47
2F031FuelsM47 & G38
2M032Missile & Space Sys MaintenanceM47
2T131Vehicle OperationsM40
2T231Air TransportationM47 & A28
2T331Special Purpose Vehicle & Equip MaintM47
2T332Special Vehicle MaintenanceM40
2W031Munitions SystemM60 or G57
2W131Aircraft Armament SystemsM60 or E45
2W231Nuclear WeaponsM60
3E032Electrical Power ProductionM56 & E40
3E131Heating, Vent, Air Cond & RefrigerM47 or E28
3E231Pavements And Construction EquipM40
3E431Utilities SystemM47
3E432Liquid Fuel System MaintenanceM47
3E831Explosive Ordinance DisposalM55 & G60
9S100Technical Applications Specialist**M88 & E85
9TM44Mechanical Aptitude AreaM47
9TM51Mechanical Aptitude AreaM56
9TM55Mechanical Aptitude AreaM60
Administrative AFSC’s
AFSCAIR FORCE JOB TITLEQualification Area Minimum Scores
1C032Operations Resource ManagementA41
2G031Logistics PlansA56
2T031Traffic ManagementA35
2T337Vehicle Maint Control & AnalysisA41
3D031Knowledge Operations ManagementA47
9TA45Administrative Aptitude AreaA41
9TA61Administrative Aptitude AreaA56

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Electrical AFSC’s

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AFSCAIR FORCE JOB TITLEQualification Area Minimum Scores
1A311Airborne Communication SystemsE70
1C631Space Systems OperationsE60
2A031Avionics Test Station & ComponentE70
2A331Avionic Attack control SystemsE70
2A332Avionic SystemsE70
2A533Bomber Avionics SystemsE70
2A636Aircraft Electrical & Environmental SysE61 & M41
2M031Missile & Space Sys Electronics MaintE70
2M033Missile & Space FacilitiesE70
2P031Precision Measurement Equip LabE70
3D131Client SystemsE60
3D132Cyber Transport SystemsE70
3D133RF Transmission SystemsE70
3D134Spectrum OperationsE60
3D135Ground Radar SystemsE70
3D136Airfield SystemsE70
3D137Cable and Antenna SystemsE55 & M55
3E031Electrical SystemsE35 & M35
4A231Biomedical EquipmentE70 & M60
9TE67Electronic Aptitude AreaE70